Experience the Ranch
Remote Training Coaching
Training trouble? Get training consultation and support through Zoom.
Service Description
30 plus years of horse training and horse sport competition available to you through remote access with the Zoom app. Or, just need a little professional help with your Colt to Maturity 4-H Project All you need is internet access, and to simply download free Zoom app. We can review a pre-existing video and discuss it, or you can take us virtually to your round pen or working pen and we can go step by step. Our specialties are cow work from horseback and especially cutting which includes stopping, roll backs, working from the haunches, and hooking the horse to the cow. Starting colts, object driven training such as starting colts on cattle, and basic horsemanship.

Contact Details
Sun River Horse & Cattle Co. Inc., U.S. 89, Sun River, MT, USA